0820 2554146 msrs_shirva@yahoo.co.in, msrscshirva@gmail.com




Mid-Day Meal Scheme is introduced by M.S.R.S College Alumni Association, Mumbai and is wholly sponsored by the association to cater to the needs of poor and deserving students. The institution provides mid-day meals to students on all working days. The following parameters are considered while selecting the beneficiaries which are discussed and approved in Alumni meeting:

  • 1. Mid-Day Meal Committee is set up consisting of senior faculty members and student representatives.
  • 2. Fresh and renewal applications are invited in the beginning of the academic year.
  • 3. Maximum beneficiary limit is flexible to include more number of beneficiaries.
  • 4. To inculcate good food habits and avoid wastage of food, a nominal fee of Rs.5 per meal is charged which is not a must.
  • 5. Food quality and hygiene is regularly monitored by the committee.
  • 6. Grievances are attended on priority basis and redressed. 
  • 7. Annual statement of accounts is provided to Alumni Association.


Vidyavardhaka Sangha (R.), Shirva is a registered Charitable Trust established in the year 1944 in the per-independence era. Mulki Sunder Ram Shetty College, Shirva was established in the year 1980 by late Sri. Mulki Sunder Ram Shetty, a visionary educationist and a visionary.

  • 1. All teaching and non-teaching staff recruitments in the college are done according to government rules and regulations.
  • 2. Depending on the vacancy created in the college, the management issues advertisements in the leading newspapers inviting applications from eligible candidates.
  • 3. Eligible candidates are called for written test, shortlisted for interview and selection is made by a committee consisting of management representatives, subject experts, Principal and concerned head of the department.
  • 4. Additional qualifications like NET/SLET/Ph.D are given more weightage during selection. 
  • 5. Management appointed staff can avail 12 Casual Leave annually. Maternity leave is sanctioned as per government rules.
  • 6. Provident Fund and ESI facilities are provided to the employees
  • 7. Annual increment is given based on performance.
  • 8. Service matters of the employees are regulated as per government rules and rules of the Management.


The Scholarship Committee comprising of senior faculty and the Principal is constituted for the smooth functioning of student scholarship. Various government and non-government scholarships are provided to the beneficiaries. All government scholarships are directly credited to beneficiaries’ bank account in the recent years. The following non-government scholarships are being provided regularly to the beneficiaries.

  1. 1. Dr. Vinod and Chandrashekhar Shetty Foundation, Kaup
  2. 2. All Cargo Logistics Limited, Mumbai
  3. 3. MSRS College Alumni Association, Mumbai
  4. 4. Sri Ram Charitable Trust, Mudradi
  5. 5. Sulthan Chand Dropadi Devi Scholarship
  6. 6. Bunts Sangha Madikeri and Mysore
  7. 7. Sitaram Jindal Foundation, Bangalore
  8. 8. Alumnus Ronald Andrade

Apart from these, various other philanthropers and alumni provide a number of scholarships to students on need basis. The following parameters are considered for the selection of beneficiaries.

  • 1. Applications are invited in the beginning of the academic year.
  • 2. Poor merit based students are shortlisted and finalised by the committee after interviewing the students.
  • 3. Scholarship is renewed for three consecutive years if the student passes in all the subjects. If the student is not promoted in the university examinations to the next higher class, the sholarship gets cancelled and allotted to other deserving candidate/s of that class.
  • 4. Acquittance shall be maintained for all non-government scholarships on the disbursement.

Feedback Policy

The college is in constant dialogue with its stakeholders and seeks advice and input from them in all areas of its activity. Structured feedback is obtained for every course. The institution obtains feedback from the following stake holders-
The institution has a mechanism for analyzing student feedback on institutional performance.

  • The institution provides questionnaire to the students to get feedback on institutional performance.
  • The institution obtains feedback from outgoing students.
  • Alumni feedback is received at the alumni get together.
  • Results of the feedback is compiled and made known to all stakeholders.
  • Results of the feedback is added to the AQAR and uploaded on the college website.

Outcome and Response

  • Efforts are made to take measures based on feedback. Efforts are made to enhance the quality of education.
  • The Governing Council along with the principal goes into the feedback and accepts suggestions, informs the staff to do the necessary changes.
  • Measures taken to incorporate their suggestions such as extension of drinking water facility, extension of mid-day meal facility, photo copying in library, extension of rest room for girl students etc.

Evaluation results are used in following ways-

  • The results of evaluation is communicated to the teacher concerned by the principal and they are asked to respond for the same.
  • They are asked to take necessary steps to improve themselves if there are any negative comments.
  • The feedback result is communicated to the University by the teachers in the meetings of Board of Study.
  • Principal communicates them to the policy-making bodies.
  • Teachers who are the members of Board of Examinations communicate them while framing questions for university examinations.
  • The result of feedback is used internally while framing curriculum for certificate courses.

Green Policy of the college

In order to improve the greenery of the campus, measures like gardening, planting of trees, use of organic compost, etc., are adopted.  Efforts are being made to create environment consciousness in the campus through eco-friendly initiatives by the NSS and Rover and Ranger units. The college has a vast campus of 27 acres with many open spaces and trees which provide pollution-free atmosphere. The emission of smoke is checked by the rich and diverse flora. Saplings are planted every year.

  • To maintain the quality of greenery, weeds, plastic and litter are removed from the campus periodically. ‘Swacha Shirva Campaign’ is undertaken every year under “Swacha Bharath Abhiyan” programme to maintain the cleanliness of the campus.
  • Dustbins are placed in every corner of each floor and inside the classrooms. Caution boards and instructions are placed on the Notice Boards to keep the campus clean and green.
  • Plant wastes are used for composting

Following are the measures taken to make the campus eco-friendly-
Trees are planted every year by conducting ‘Vanamahotsava’ to make the campus green and oxygen rich. Trees are well maintained to prevent ecological imbalance and to make the campus eco-friendly

Energy Conservation :

  • The use of electricity is regulated.
  • Switching off of electrical devices are monitored and centralized switches for switching off the lights and fans of classrooms which are not in use is practiced.

Use of renewable energy

  • Solar energy is used by installing solar panels in the Ladies hostel.
  • The solid organic waste is managed by bio compost unit in the campus. Leaf litter and vegetable wastes produced in the campus and college canteen are used for the purpose.

Water Harvesting

  • Rain water harvesting has been done. Hence the water level in the well is maintained.
  • Quiz programmes on water conservation are organized by the NSS to make the students aware of the different methods of water conservation.

Effort of Carbon Neutrality

Efforts have been made to achieve carbon neutrality by reducing smoke production in the campus by using alternative fuel source and planting saplings regularly. Regular emission check is mandatory for those who use motor vehicles.

Hazardous Waste Management

The use of plastic bags by the students is discouraged and the canteen holds a strict ban on use of plastic bags for food package.

  • The use and disposal of plastic bags, plates and cups are discouraged and bio degradable areca leaf plates, paper plates, newspaper bags.
  • Hazardous wastes are collected and disposed off through Gram Panchayat services.

E-waste management

  • Unused old computers, UPS, CPU, Monitors, calculators, etc., are disposed off through auction.