0820 2554146 msrs_shirva@yahoo.co.in, msrscshirva@gmail.com


Other Features

  1. 1. This is a rural College which is collecting the lowest fee from the students.
  2. 2. Admissions are given even to the low scorers and special attention offered through remedial classes for their academic improvements.
  3. 3. Relevant add-on courses along with Communication Skills and Personality Development trainings are conducted to help the students for Campus selections.
  4. 4. Well furnished Women’s Hostel facility is available for lady students.
  5. 5. A separate Library Block housing vast and rare collection of books with all modern facilities is in place.
  6. 6. Five Nationalised Banks have established Book Banks in our Library to help the poor students.
  7. 7. University level Inter College Sports / Games events are conducted every year.
  8. 8. Basic Computer knowledge is provided to all the students.
  9. 9. Maximum financial assistance in the form of scholarship is provided to economically backward students.
  10. 10. Maximum numbers of programmes are conducted every year to create awareness among the public on social evils / diseases and methods to eradicate them in collaboration with the help of Social Service Organisations