The college has a well-equipped good Library with adequate number of books having some rare collections. At present there are total 19, 579 books.
Library Rules:
- 1. The Library is kept open from 9-00 a.m. to 5-00 p.m. on all working days including vacations.
- 2. Application for books should be made in the requisition slip provided to the students. Books are issued only on producing the Identity Card and the Borrower’s Ticket.
- 3. Only two books can be in the possession of a student at a time. The books must be returned within a week. A fine of Rs.1 per day is imposed thereafter.
- 4. Students should not scribble or make any mark in the books. A student is expected to examine the book he / she receives and report if any damage is found already. Otherwise he / she shall be held responsible for any damage that may be detected later.
- 5. Students are expected to maintain absolute silence in the Reading Room. They are expected to use magazines, newspapers and related equipments carefully.
Book Banks:
The following Book Banks have been established in the College Library for the use of poor students coming from the rural areas.
Details of Book Bank established in the College Library:
- 1. K.P. Ramanna Shetty And Ammani R. Shetty, Trust, Bangalore
- 2. K.P. Shama Shetty and Shubhavathi S. Shetty, Udupi.
- 3. Canara Bank
- 4. Corporation Bank
- 5. Vijaya Bank
- 6. The Karnataka Bank Ltd.
- 7. Syndicate Bank
- 8. Jindal Trust
- 9. Vidyarthi Grantha Sanchayini
- 10. U.G.C.
- 11. Ninjoor Shama Shetty Memorial Book Bank
Details of Books in the Library 2020-21
Library Book Details
1. |
Taranga |
(W) |
- Kannada |
2. |
Sudha |
(W) |
- Kannada |
3. |
Kreeda Darshini |
(M) |
- Kannada |
4. |
The Week |
(W) |
- English |
5. |
Nairuthya |
(M) |
- Kannada |
6. |
Janabimba |
(W) |
- Kannada |
7. |
Southern Economist |
(F) |
- English |
8. |
Saritha |
(F) |
- Hindi |
9. |
Yojana |
(M) |
- Kannada |
10. |
Competition Success Review |
(M) |
- English |
11. |
General Knowledge Today |
(M) |
- English |
12. |
Thushara |
(M) |
- Kannada |
13. |
Kasturi |
(M) |
- Kannada |
14. |
Mayura |
(M) |
- Kannada |
15. |
Reader’s Digest |
(M) |
- English |
16. |
Samparka |
(M) |
- Kannada |
17. |
Spardha Spoorthi |
(M) |
- Kannada |
18. |
Udyoga Varthe |
(F) |
- Kannada |
19. |
Manjuvani |
(M) |
- Kannada |
20. |
Local Government Quarterly |
(Q) |
- English |
Abbreviations :
(W) – Weekly (M) – Monthly (F) – Fortnightly (Q)-Quarterly
1. |
Udayavani |
(D) |
- Kannada |
2. |
Hosadigantha |
(D) |
- Kannada |
3. |
Vijaya Karnataka |
(D) |
- Kannada |
4. |
Prajavani |
(D) |
- Kannada |
5. |
Vijayavani |
(D) |
- Kannada |
6. |
The Hindu |
(D) |
- English |
7. |
Times of India |
(D) |
- English |
8. |
Deccan Herald |
(D) |
- English |
9. |
Business Line |
(D) |
- English |
10. |
The Indian Express |
(D) |
- English |
Total Number of Books in the Library 2020 - 21
Sl. No. |
Particulars |
No. of books |
1 |
English |
1325 |
2 |
Kannada |
2494 |
3 |
Hindi |
770 |
4 |
History |
1565 |
5 |
Ancient Hist. & Archaeology |
578 |
6 |
Sociology |
950 |
7 |
Political Science |
1502 |
8 |
Economics |
2465 |
9 |
Commerce |
4442 |
10 |
B.B.M. |
1926 |
11 |
General |
1962 |
12 |
Reference Books |
2491 |